Sunflower Learning Center Home


Principal's Message

Welcome to the Sunflower Alternative School website! 
I am pleased to be the principal of alternative education for the Charter Oak Unified School District.  Our Sunflower Learning Complex is the premier alternative education center in our valley.  At Sunflower Alternative, we believe that not all students learn in the same fashion and offer different programs for varying student needs.  We currently house Arrow Continuation High School, Bridges Community Day School, Oak Knoll Virtual Academy, and Oak Knoll Independent Study.  We also offer hybrid programs that are a blend of our different schools based on individual student need.  I am honored to work with a dedicated group of teachers and support staff who pull together to help every student realize his or her talents and experience success in school.  Our goal at Sunflower is to have every student realize his or her dreams!
- Lisa Raigosa

News & Announcements

Enroll Now

Charter Oak Online Enrollment allows you to quickly start the process of enrolling a brand new student from any internet device. Information about the student such as emergency contacts, medical and language information will be collected. Upon completion, the school-site is electronically notified that you have completed the online enrollment process and they will be ready to take your required documents when you stop by their office.